Welcome to Tapestry Women, the women's ministry of Harvest House Church. Just like a beautiful tapestry, we are woven together by the threads of faith, love, and sisterhood. Our mission is to create a supportive and nurturing community where women can come together to grow spiritually, connect with one another, and make a difference in the world.

At Tapestry Women, we believe that each woman is a unique thread, adding her own beauty and strength to the larger design of our community. Through Bible studies, prayer groups, workshops, and social events, we provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith, share their stories, and encourage one another on life's journey. We are dedicated to empowering women to live out their faith in practical ways, both within our church and in the broader community.

Whether you're a young adult, a mother, a career woman, or a retiree, Tapestry Women is a place where you can find inspiration, support, and lasting friendships. We invite you to join us as we create a tapestry of faith, friendship, and purpose.


  • Weekly Bible Study

    On Wednesday nights at 6PM, we will be going through Christine Caine’s Resilient Hope: 100 Devotions for Building Endurance in an Unpredictable World.

    Books are available for a suggested donation of $9.50. Click here to access the donation portal for Tapestry.

  • Quarterly Events

    Every quarter, we will have a special event designed to strengthen relationships and grow deeper together.

    View the church calendar to see our upcoming events!